Monday, 4 June 2018

Thinglink Superhero

We are doing a Super Hero project in Tech and it is a lot of fun.
We got to choose our partners and create them out of clay. First we got to plan what our character will look like and what she will do. Next we draw a picture of the super hero that we made and explain what she does on paper. We made our character out of clay and now we are binning to film.

My super hero's name is Issiemagination and her power is imagination. She can think of anything and it can appear or come to life.  I am having a lot of fun doing this project.


  1. Dear Bianca,

    Wow, your character looks amazing! It's so lifelike. Issiemagination is such a smart name and imagine if people could actually have that super power, it would be so awesome!

    From Gracey

  2. Dear Bianca,
    I really love the way you have done this post. I love your different colours. Your girl is really well put together a I can see how much thought has been put into this and I can't wait to see your stop motion video.


  3. Dear Bianca,

    You have created a very nice character and I think it is really cool that she can think of anything and it appears or comes to life.

    From Abigail

  4. Dear Bianca,
    Your superhero is amazing and her eyes are big cute. Her superpower is awesome and I love the original look.
    Kiara B

  5. Dear Bianca,

    I love how you told us on the blog about all the steps that you have to do before you actually start filming.

    From Kim

  6. Dear Bianca

    I love the creativity of the powers,it is so different.Nice blog

    From Joley

  7. Dear Bianca

    I love how you explained every thing , and I think that her power is amazing .
    I wish I had that power .

    Amelia B
