Monday, 4 June 2018

Thinglink Superhero

We are doing a Super Hero project in Tech and it is a lot of fun.
We got to choose our partners and create them out of clay. First we got to plan what our character will look like and what she will do. Next we draw a picture of the super hero that we made and explain what she does on paper. We made our character out of clay and now we are binning to film.

My super hero's name is Issiemagination and her power is imagination. She can think of anything and it can appear or come to life.  I am having a lot of fun doing this project.

Monday, 21 May 2018

Email Etiquette

Today we learned about Email Etiquette.

The 5 points that we must use when emailing a teacher are:
1. Use a salutation
2. Include a specific subject line.
3. Keep it to-the-point.
4. Be porfesstional
5. Sign and proofread.

Monday, 7 May 2018

Wondering about Wonder

Wonder is a fantastic book because we don't no what it is like to have a deformed face and this book helps us get the idea of what it is like for a child to have one.

The thing that stood out for me the most was that people were kind to him, you might think that it is really easy to be kind to someone like Auggi but it is really hard. What we need to do is to not look at their face but at their heart because that is what really counts.

This story has changed the way I feel about deformed faces, if you think about it we all have some 'imperfections' but the truth is that's what makes us who we are. I think that if we had a new kid in our school everyone would be super friendly but if he looked like Auggi then we'll give a little wave and be on our way. WHY?!

The character I would identify with the most with would be Summer. She sat down with Auggi and didn't even regret it, now that takes some strength. I wish we could all be like Summer and choose kind.

Be the kindest person you can be and you will never regret anything!

Monday, 26 March 2018

Happy Birthday Elkanah

Tuesday the 20th of Mach was Elkanah's 21st birthday.
We went to the High School to celebrate.   
This is the video that Giselle, Nathan and I made.

Monday, 5 March 2018

The Poetry ILT

Last week we did a Poetry ILT. Poetry is a way to express your thoughts and feelings with rhythm and sometimes it rhymes. People write poetry because they have lots to express or maybe they are making a rap to a song. Over the last 3 days we did Choral Verse, Terminology, Poetry Writing, Black out Poetry, Poetry Slam, Analyzing Poetry, Imagery and a self reflection.

My favorite thing was Terminology because we had to search up poetry words and the make a video with all the words in it. I enjoyed it because we got to think out of the box. The task that I did not enjoy that much was Imagery because I did not under stand what we had to do. I did not under stand  the poems and the image in my mind did not link up to the poem at all! (I think). The most challenging task for me was the poetry slam, I had to learn all my words off by heart and my group wanted to preform in front of the grade! I wanted to preform it in front of the grade but I needed a little more time to learn the words. When we did it in front of the grade I was so nervous because I thought I would forget the words but I didn't so I was really glad that I didn't make a fool of my self in front of the grade. (Or did I?)

I learned some knew vocabulary to! I learned that "Nay" (what a horse says) is another word for "NO"! We had to say it in our poetry slam. I said that it would be weird because our poem is about emotions, NOT horses. We had to say it anyway. I learned that when I am nervous about something it will all be great in the end and that mistakes are just proof that I am trying.

My favorite poem is,

I love this poem because it is true and it tells me that if I do all of that, I'll be a great friend and that is what I want to be.

Monday, 5 February 2018

Mr Mischief

I'm in Grade 6 this year and I'm really excited for all the fun I'm going to have!

My favorite animal/pet is a dog. My dogs name is Diesel, the reason why he's called Diesel is because he NEVER stops going, like petrol, so we called him Diesel. We let him come on my bed and as soon as he's on my bed Daniel goes completely BALLISTIC! He would jump under he covers and Diesel would jump on top of Daniel! lets just say that I've NEVER gotten into a clean bed.....
Every day we take Diesel out on the golf course for a run. If we DON'T let him have a run he gets really energetic. Once he got so energetic that he ran into our garden with MY SHOE in HIS MOUTH! 

Hes got this very weird craving for SOCKS! The very first time he ate a sock he had to have an OPERATION to get REMOVED from his GUT!!!! My Mom has this new thing to do when he gets hold of a sock, she'll stand behind the sock and Diesel will stand in front of it, then he will go CRAZY for the sock! He barks, grunts  and once he tried to take the sock away from her, (it didn't work) Then he'll jump up and down and run in circles. Soon he calms down and lies down with his nose just a cm away from it. Then eventfully he walks away.